Help us congratulate Dr. Krause!
Dr. Brooke Krause was awarded tenure on March 3rd, 2022!
Professor Krause is a development economist with interests in gender, health, education and poverty reduction strategies in low income communities. Her most recent research focuses on women’s empowerment, knowledge about child health, and risk attitudes in Guatemala. She spent five years working on project evaluating the impact of youth entrepreneurship training programs in East Africa. Her current research is studying food security and gender in Maasai households in Tanzania. Her publications have appeared in Economía, Journal of Development Effectiveness, Reconsidering Development, and World Studies in Education. Also notable is her partnership with a number of international organizations, including the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America, the International Food Policy Research Institute, the United States Agency for International Development, Oxford’s Poverty and Human Development Initiative, the Inter-American Development Bank, CARE International, and World Vision.
Congratulations, Dr. Krause!
Dr. Krause’s Profile on Wooster Website: https://wooster.edu/bio/bkrause/