Many of our students choose to enroll in graduate programs.

The Economics department has a partnership with the Simon Business School at the University of Rochester to provide scholarships to qualified Wooster students who go on to get their MS programs. They offer Master’s degrees in AI in Business, Finance, Accountancy, Business Analytics, and Marketing Analytics. Majors in our department also benefit from a partnership with Case Western Reserve University’s Weatherhead School of Management. As part of the Ohio 5 Business Collaborative, Wooster students benefit from GMAT-optional early admission as well as guaranteed scholarships for qualified students. Case Western offers Master’s degrees in Finance, Supply Chain Management, Accountancy, and Business Analytics and Intelligence.
There are a wide range of ways to prepare for a graduate program in economics. An example of a great program our students have had success with is the American Economics Association Summer Program.
If you are interested in graduate school in Economics, please talk to your advisor.